A Successful Job Campaign Starts With Good Planning

Just like any business venture, good planning is critical to achieving optimal job search outcomes, leading to rapid employment. Many people are tempted to skip the planning process entirely and begin applying for jobs as the initial step. This seems logical because, after all, you will not find a good job if you don’t let employers know that you want it.

However, job seekers skip the planning process at their own peril. Proper planning provides focus and purpose to any job campaign and, without having a blueprint to measure progress and success, it is easy to drift along, generating few positive results.

So, what are the elements of an effective job campaign plan?

Information Gathering

Find out everything possible about employment trends in your chosen career field(s). For example, what companies are hiring or do the most hiring in general? Are their particular niches within the career field(s) that look most promising or demonstrate the best match for your talents? What skills and experience are most often asked for from employers who operate within your career field(s)?

Develop or Obtain High Quality Career Materials

It is essential to have compelling (usually professionally written) materials, such as a resume, cover letter, and bio, as well as LinkedIn and Facebook profiles that effectively highlight your skills, attributes, and accomplishments. Having these materials available and ready to use early in the job search process is important. It makes no sense to create or obtain them in a panic because an opportunity may become available with short notice. Compelling career materials will usually lead to more rapid employment.

Decide on the Most Effective Job Campaign Strategies for You

There are a wide range of job search strategies to embrace. Therefore, decide on two or three to focus on initially. If you try to pursue too many strategies at once, it can often become overwhelming and counterproductive. Most career professionals agree that networking is the #1 job search strategy. However, there are many others, such as use of recruiters, job boards, and job fairs, or finding temporary or volunteer opportunities.

Document Your Plan in Writing

Devising a great job campaign plan, but then keeping it in your head, is not optimal. Take pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and break your plan down into focused and achievable elements that include timelines and ways to measure success. Decide on an approach for regularly checking the plan’s progress and providing rewards for successful milestone completion or achievement. Treat yourself to a nice dinner or even a nice dessert when the career materials are completed and ready to go! Just remember. Writing your plan down will go a long way in stressing its importance and maintaining your enthusiasm for achieving it.

The need to occasionally develop and execute a winning job campaign is essential to any successful career. Proper planning will enable you to remain focused. Ready to act decisively when the opportunity arises, and empowered to take charge of your job campaign. All important ingredients to rapid employment.